AI Revolution - Where it Stands, What Next

Mitul Saha
(Last Updated: 21 September 2023)

Now, in 2023 ChatGPT+ emerged. It tries to take search engines to the next level. That is, it works with the Bing (Google peer) search engine, but now it presents the query results back to the human user in a much more “understandable” form - as if a human being is explaining the results back to the human user in a very elegant & efficient form of user preferred language (for example, english). Even more, ChatGPT+ can explain the results to the user in a human-like back-and-forth “conversation” form. The experience can “feel” as if ChatGPT+ has significant cognitive abilities. Once again, these great and amazing things are made possible by modern day AI.

Revolutionizing Healthcare

There has always been a very concerning shortage of qualified, reliable, & accessible doctors / healthcare providers, globally. I am hoping AI & robotics will try to fill in these gaps in years to come. That would be one of the biggest and powerful contributions of AI in the history of humanity. I believe we have started to see "very encouraging" preliminary results in that direction:
  • In a landmark recent research it was shown that AI driven chatbots were better in responding to a chosen set of patient questions than a team of licensed healthcare professionals !!! (IBM's Watson was already outperforming human cardiologists in diagnosing heart). In another landmark incident, ChatGPT found the correct diagnosis to a very seriously ailing 4 year old, after 17 doctors failed to do so, over 3 years! (Dr. Isaac Kohane from Harvard School of Medicine found that ChatGPT-4 can correctly answer US medical exam licensing questions correctly more than 90% of the time). Remember, to make a diagnosis, a human doctor has to intelligently process a lot of data (patient's own and family history, plethora of medication & treatment options along with associated side effects, etc etc). The process can be very overwhelming for a human. Machines (powered by AI) are now showing the potential to fill in a lot of those gaps.
  • AI can now rivals radiologists in screening X-rays, CT scans for certain diseases (including some cancers, bone fractures) (1,2,3,4,5)
  • Surgery - a key domain in the world of healthcare - is also usually quite expensive, risky, and inaccessible, anywhere in the world. Hence, this is one of the areas of life where success of AI will be deeply appreciated, forever. In a recent breakthrough, an autonomous robot "sutured the ends of a severed intestine together in four pigs, while they were under anesthetics". This is hailed as a big advancement towards fully autonomous robotics surgery, as it automated one of most intricate and delicate tasks in surgery. I agree that this is just a beginning, and we still have a long way to go. Nevertheless, this is a very promising progress in that direction.
  • Drug design & discovery: There are already drugs in human trials that are being developed by AI (yet another major AI landmark in the history of medicine) - DSP-1181 (developed by Exscientia for obsessive-compulsive disorder) and an anti-fibrotic drug (developed by insilico - already granted "Orphan Drug Designation" by FDA ). AI developed drugs are turning out to be much more time and cost effective (DSP-1181 took just a year instead of five years to get to human trials). Absci is also developing antibodies via AI, reducing prediction time from 6 years to 2 years.

    Make The World More Secure

    AI has also been helping a lot with preventing fraud (especially in banks / financial sectors) and cyber-attacks for businesses with online presence. This is primarily because modern day AI, powered by powerful modern day computing infrastructure, has become very good at quickly sifting through a lot of data and detecting anomalies / suspicious behaviors.

    Just in less than last ten years, AI driven security systems have become very good (from not so good) at identifying humans and objects.

  • Quoting the Security Indusry Association: "NIST research has documented massive improvements overall accuracy in recent years, noting even in 2018 the software tested was at least 20 times more accurate than it was in 2014, and in 2019 finding "close to perfect" performance by high-performing algorithms with "miss rates" against a database of 12 million images averaging 0.1%. On this measurement, the accuracy of facial recognition is reaching that of automated fingerprint comparison, which is generally viewed as the gold standard for identification" (Thanks to the ongoing AI revolution!).

    Advancing Science & Math

    AI has been helping in advancing Science & Math in great ways. These are just some of many examples:

    Hollywood Revolution

    AI is already being used to de-age actors in movies. For instance, Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" (2023) was de-aged to look about 40 years younger. In another instance, Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, will appear (age-wise) just as they did in "Forest Gump" 30 years ago, in upcoming "Here".

    In a groundbreaking attempt, Metaphysic is using AI to create digital clones of actors, such that their physical presence won't be needed anymore in upcoming movies!

    Upcoming movie "Back to Eden" will star an AI-generated digital clone of James Dean, who died in 1955 in a car accident at the age of 24.

    Honorable Mentions

    Apart from above, there are so many other ways AI has been greatly transforming various aspects of daily life. To name a few more:
    • Weather Prediction: I am sure we all greatly appreciate the modern day weather prediction tools. Modern day AI based weather prediction tools are much faster (seconds instead of hours) and significantly more accurate - another groundbreaking achievement of modern day AI
    • How often a road navigation tool (such as, Google Maps) has saved you "an immense amount of time" by detecting (in advance) and avoiding routes which were slowed down by bad traffic. These are possible - thanks to modern day AI (specifically, smart navigation algorithms).
    • Real-time Language Transcription and Translation: Are you not amazed by the real time speech-to-text conversion technology that is now available with video conferencing tools (such as, Google Meet)? They can also translate speech to a different language! All thanks to the great progress made by AI (specifically, natural language processing) in the last some years.
    • Personal Assistant & Administrative work: AI bots can serve very well as personal assistants these days - I believe, this is a landmark achievement, in the history of humanity.